And Andrew makes 4

1995 June

Created by Mike 16 years ago
From the beginning of our time together I knew that Kate was willing to take on my dreams as her own. The fall of 1994 saw me wanting to chase a job in Florida, and Kate happily packed up and headed off. In fact, as was often the case, she adopted the dream and pushed me to continue even when I was unsure. New town, new house, 1200 miles from her family, she was ready for life. Kate and I had decided the previous winter (1993-94) that it would be nice to have another child. With all the changes of a new job for me and the decision by Kate to return to school, the timing might have seemed off. But for is it seemed like this was a great time while Kate was off work and planning on staying home- at least between classes. During the '94-'95 academic year Kate returned to school full time to pursue her MBA degree at the University of South Florida. She returned to school starting in January and she knew by then that she was pregnant and due in June. Neither circumstance was supposed to have any real impact on the other. Although being pregnant, she was allowed to postpone the required German measles shot needed for entry into any public school in the state of Florida. Life moved along swiftly and unremarkably. Kate’s pregnancy was smooth and we were both very excited. Early on the morning of June 26, Kate went into labor. This time, things seemed to be progressing much quicker than with Alison. Of course, insurance wouldn’t cover the hospital just 2 miles from our house, and we set out on a mad dash across town, over the river and through undeveloped south Fort Myers to get to the hospital we were allowed to use. Things were really different this time, and Kate seemed to be in a lot of pain as I tried to drive fast while avoiding bumps, sharp turns, and sudden stops. Within minutes of arriving at the hospital (no stopping at the drug store this time) she delivered Andrew. Maybe it points out something about the different personality styles of the kids. Andrew rarely takes time to contemplate before entering a situation while Alison prefers to consider her options and plan. Or maybe it was Kate. She might have simply been determined not to go through another long and slow labor. And, Kate being Kate, she usually got her way. Due to some medical issues I never understood, Andrew's bilirubin levels were higher than normal and there was some discussion of having him remain in the hospital. That wasn't happening! Kate insisted he come home, and the hospital arranged for a fluorescent phototherapy light to be delivered to our home so Andrew could be released with her and join the family. On June 27 they both came home, rounding out the family to a well balanced foursome. We referred to Andrew as our glow bug because he spent hours every day wrapped in a special blanket embedded with fiber optic cables that lit up with blue light. I think at that point she was on top of the world. Life was good and progressing according to her plan. Scratch another item off the list Kate.